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bluetooth.c 15 KiB
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 * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
 *          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
 * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers.
 * This is free software, placed under the terms of the
 * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
 * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
 * Web Page:
 * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.

#include "prologue.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "log.h"
#include "parameters.h"
#include "timing.h"
#include "async_wait.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "queue.h"
#include "io_bluetooth.h"
#include "bluetooth_internal.h"

static int
bthDiscoverSerialPortChannel (uint8_t *channel, BluetoothConnectionExtension *bcx, int timeout) {
  int discovered;

  static const uint8_t uuid[] = {
    0X00, 0X00, 0X11, 0X01,
    0X00, 0X00,
    0X10, 0X00,
    0X80, 0X00,
    0X00, 0X80, 0X5F, 0X9B, 0X34, 0XFB

  logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "discovering serial port channel");
  discovered = bthDiscoverChannel(channel, bcx, uuid, sizeof(uuid), timeout);

  if (discovered) {
    logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "serial port channel discovered: %u", *channel);
  } else {
    logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "serial port channel not discovered");

  return discovered;

static void
bthLogChannel (uint8_t channel) {
  logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "RFCOMM channel: %u", channel);

typedef struct {
  uint64_t address;
  char *name;
  int error;
  unsigned paired:1;
} BluetoothDeviceEntry;
bthDeallocateDeviceEntry (void *item, void *data) {
  BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = item;
  if (device->name) free(device->name);

static Queue *
bthCreateDeviceQueue (void *data) {
  return newQueue(bthDeallocateDeviceEntry, NULL);

static Queue *
bthGetDeviceQueue (int create) {
  static Queue *devices = NULL;

  return getProgramQueue(&devices, "bluetooth-device-queue", create,
                         bthCreateDeviceQueue, NULL);
bthTestDeviceAddress (const void *item, void *data) {
  const BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = item;
  const uint64_t *address = data;
  return device->address == *address;

static BluetoothDeviceEntry *
bthGetDeviceEntry (uint64_t address, int add) {
  Queue *devices = bthGetDeviceQueue(add);

  if (devices) {
    BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = findItem(devices, bthTestDeviceAddress, &address);
    if (device) return device;

    if (add) {
      if ((device = malloc(sizeof(*device)))) {
        device->address = address;
        device->name = NULL;
        device->error = 0;
        device->paired = 0;

        if (enqueueItem(devices, device)) return device;
      } else {
  return NULL;

static int
bthSetDeviceName (BluetoothDeviceEntry *device, const char *name) {
  if (name && *name) {
    char *copy = strdup(name);

    if (copy) {
      if (device->name) free(device->name);
      device->name = copy;
      return 1;
    } else {

  return 0;

static inline const char *
bthGetPairedKeyword (int state) {
  return getFlagKeywordYesNo(state);

static int
bthRememberDiscoveredDevice (const DiscoveredBluetoothDevice *device, void *data) {
             "remember discovered device: "
             "Addr:%012" PRIX64 " Paired:%s Name:%s",
             device->address, bthGetPairedKeyword(device->paired), device->name);

  BluetoothDeviceEntry *entry = bthGetDeviceEntry(device->address, 1);

  if (entry) {
    bthSetDeviceName(entry, device->name);
    entry->paired = device->paired;

  return 0;

static int bluetoothDevicesDiscovered = 0;

static void
bthDiscoverDevices (void) {
  if (!bluetoothDevicesDiscovered) {
    logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "begin device discovery");
    bthProcessDiscoveredDevices(bthRememberDiscoveredDevice, NULL);
    bluetoothDevicesDiscovered = 1;
    logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "end device discovery");

bthForgetDevices (void) {
  Queue *devices = bthGetDeviceQueue(0);

  if (devices) deleteElements(devices);
  bluetoothDevicesDiscovered = 0;
bthRememberConnectError (uint64_t address, int value) {
  BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = bthGetDeviceEntry(address, 1);
  if (!device) return 0;
  device->error = value;
  return 1;

static int
bthRecallConnectError (uint64_t address, int *value) {
  BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = bthGetDeviceEntry(address, 0);
  if (!device) return 0;
  if (!device->error) return 0;
  *value = device->error;
  return 1;
static BluetoothConnection *
bthNewConnection (uint64_t address, uint8_t channel, int discover, int timeout) {
  BluetoothConnection *connection;

  if ((connection = malloc(sizeof(*connection)))) {
    memset(connection, 0, sizeof(*connection));
    connection->address = address;
    connection->channel = channel;

    if ((connection->extension = bthNewConnectionExtension(connection->address))) {
      int alreadyTried = 0;
      if (discover) bthDiscoverSerialPortChannel(&connection->channel, connection->extension, timeout);
        int value;
        if (bthRecallConnectError(connection->address, &value)) {
          errno = value;
          alreadyTried = 1;
      if (!alreadyTried) {
        TimePeriod period;
        startTimePeriod(&period, BLUETOOTH_CHANNEL_BUSY_RETRY_TIMEOUT);
        while (1) {
          if (bthOpenChannel(connection->extension, connection->channel, timeout)) {
            return connection;
          if (afterTimePeriod(&period, NULL)) break;
          if (errno != EBUSY) break;
        bthRememberConnectError(connection->address, errno);


  } else {
bthInitializeConnectionRequest (BluetoothConnectionRequest *request) {
  memset(request, 0, sizeof(*request));
  request->driver = NULL;
  request->identifier = NULL;
  request->channel = 0;
  request->discover = 0;
typedef enum {
} BluetoothConnectionParameter;

static char **
bthGetConnectionParameters (const char *identifier) {
  static const char *const names[] = {

  if (!identifier) identifier = "";
  return getDeviceParameters(names, identifier);

bthParseAddress (uint64_t *address, const char *string) {
  const char *character = string;
  unsigned int counter = BDA_SIZE;
  char delimiter = 0;
  *address = 0;
  while (*character) {
    long unsigned int value;

      const char *start = character;
      char *end;

      value = strtoul(character, &end, 0X10);
      if ((end - start) != 2) break;
      character = end;

    if (value > UINT8_MAX) break;
    *address <<= 8;
    *address |= value;

    if (!--counter) {
      if (*character) break;

    if (!*character) break;

    if (!delimiter) {
      delimiter = *character;
      if ((delimiter != ':') && (delimiter != '-')) break;
    } else if (*character != delimiter) {

    character += 1;
  logMessage(LOG_ERR, "invalid Bluetooth device address: %s", string);
  errno = EINVAL;
  return 0;

bthParseChannelNumber (uint8_t *channel, const char *string) {
  if (*string) {
    unsigned int value;

    if (isUnsignedInteger(&value, string)) {
      if ((value > 0) && (value < 0X1F)) {
        *channel = value;
        return 1;

  logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "invalid RFCOMM channel number: %s", string);
static const BluetoothNameEntry *
bthGetNameEntry (const char *name) {
  if (name && *name) {
    const BluetoothNameEntry *entry = bluetoothNameTable;

    while (entry->namePrefix) {
      if (strncmp(name, entry->namePrefix, strlen(entry->namePrefix)) == 0) {
        return entry;

      entry += 1;

  return NULL;

typedef struct {
  struct {
    const char *address;
    size_t length;
  } name;

  struct {
    const char *address;
    size_t length;
  } driver;
} GetDeviceAddressData;

static int
bthTestDeviceName (const void *item, void *data) {
  const BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = item;
  const GetDeviceAddressData *gda = data;

             "testing device: Addr:%012" PRIX64 " Paired:%s Name:%s",
             device->address, bthGetPairedKeyword(device->paired), device->name

  if (!device->paired) {
    logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "not paired");
    return 0;

  if (gda->name.length) {
    if (strncmp(device->name, gda->name.address, gda->name.length) != 0) {
      logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "ineligible name");
      return 0;

  const BluetoothNameEntry *name = bthGetNameEntry(device->name);
  if (!name) {
    logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "unrecognized name");
    return 0;

  if (gda->driver.length) {
    const char *const *code = name->driverCodes;
    int found = 0;

    while (*code) {
      if (strncmp(*code, gda->driver.address, gda->driver.length) == 0) {
        found = 1;

      code += 1;

    if (!found) {
      logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "ineligible driver");
      return 0;

  logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "found");
  return 1;

static int
bthGetDeviceAddress (uint64_t *address, char **parameters, const char *driver) {
    const char *parameter = parameters[BTH_CONN_ADDRESS];

    if (parameter && *parameter) {
      return bthParseAddress(address, parameter);

    Queue *devices = bthGetDeviceQueue(0);

    if (devices) {
      const char *name = parameters[BTH_CONN_NAME];

      GetDeviceAddressData gda = {
        .name = {
          .address = name,
          .length = name? strlen(name): 0

        .driver = {
          .address = driver,
          .length = driver? strlen(driver): 0

      if (gda.driver.length) {
        logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "begin device search");
        const BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = findItem(devices, bthTestDeviceName, &gda);
        logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "end device search");

        if (device) {
          *address = device->address;
          return 1;

  return 0;

static int
bthProcessTimeoutParameter (BluetoothConnectionRequest *request, const char *parameter) {
  int seconds;
  if (!parameter) return 1;
  if (!*parameter) return 1;

  if (isInteger(&seconds, parameter)) {
    if ((seconds > 0) && (seconds < 60)) {
      request->timeout = seconds * MSECS_PER_SEC;
  logMessage(LOG_ERR, "invalid Bluetooth connection timeout: %s", parameter);
static int
bthProcessChannelParameter (BluetoothConnectionRequest *request, const char *parameter) {
  uint8_t channel;

  if (!parameter) return 1;
  if (!*parameter) return 1;

  if (bthParseChannelNumber(&channel, parameter)) {
    request->channel = channel;
    request->discover = 0;
    return 1;

  return 0;
bthProcessDiscoverParameter (BluetoothConnectionRequest *request, const char *parameter) {
  unsigned int flag;
  if (!parameter) return 1;
  if (!*parameter) return 1;
  if (validateYesNo(&flag, parameter)) {
    request->discover = flag;
    return 1;
  logMessage(LOG_ERR, "invalid discover option: %s", parameter);
  return 0;

BluetoothConnection *
bthOpenConnection (const BluetoothConnectionRequest *request) {
  BluetoothConnection *connection = NULL;
  BluetoothConnectionRequest req = *request;
  char **parameters = bthGetConnectionParameters(req.identifier);
  if (parameters) {
      int ok = 1;
      if (! = 1;
      if (!bthProcessChannelParameter(&req, parameters[BTH_CONN_CHANNEL])) ok = 0;
      if (!bthProcessDiscoverParameter(&req, parameters[BTH_CONN_DISCOVER])) ok = 0;
      if (!bthProcessTimeoutParameter(&req, parameters[BTH_CONN_TIMEOUT])) ok = 0;

      uint64_t address;
      if (!bthGetDeviceAddress(&address, parameters, req.driver)) ok = 0;
      if (ok) connection = bthNewConnection(address,,, req.timeout);
  return connection;
bthCloseConnection (BluetoothConnection *connection) {
bthAwaitInput (BluetoothConnection *connection, int timeout) {
  return bthPollInput(connection->extension, timeout);

bthReadData (
  BluetoothConnection *connection, void *buffer, size_t size,
  int initialTimeout, int subsequentTimeout
) {
  ssize_t result = bthGetData(connection->extension, buffer, size, initialTimeout, subsequentTimeout);

  if (result > 0) logBytes(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "input", buffer, result);
  return result;

bthWriteData (BluetoothConnection *connection, const void *buffer, size_t size) {
  if (size > 0) logBytes(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "output", buffer, size);
  return bthPutData(connection->extension, buffer, size);

static char *
bthGetDeviceName (uint64_t address, int timeout) {
  BluetoothDeviceEntry *device = bthGetDeviceEntry(address, 1);
  if (device) {
    if (!device->name) {
      logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "obtaining device name");

      if ((device->name = bthObtainDeviceName(address, timeout))) {
        logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "device name: %s", device->name);
      } else {
        logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(BLUETOOTH_IO), "device name not obtained");
    return device->name;
char *
bthGetNameOfDevice (BluetoothConnection *connection, int timeout) {
  return bthGetDeviceName(connection->address, timeout);

char *
bthGetNameAtAddress (const char *address, int timeout) {
  uint64_t bda;

  if (bthParseAddress(&bda, address)) {
    return bthGetDeviceName(bda, timeout);

  return NULL;

const char *const *
bthGetDriverCodes (const char *identifier, int timeout) {
  const char *const *codes = NULL;
  char **parameters = bthGetConnectionParameters(identifier);

  if (parameters) {
    uint64_t address;
    if (bthGetDeviceAddress(&address, parameters, NULL)) {
      const char *name = bthGetDeviceName(address, timeout);
      const BluetoothNameEntry *entry = bthGetNameEntry(name);
      if (entry) codes = entry->driverCodes;


  return codes;
isBluetoothDeviceIdentifier (const char **identifier) {
  return hasQualifier(identifier, "bluetooth");