/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.com/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #ifndef BRLTTY_INCLUDED_BRL_BASE #define BRLTTY_INCLUDED_BRL_BASE #include "brl_types.h" #include "gio_types.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #define KEY_TABLE_LIST_REFERENCE const KeyTableDefinition *const * #define KEY_TABLE_LIST_SYMBOL CONCATENATE(brl_ktb_,DRIVER_CODE) #define KEY_TABLE_LIST_DECLARATION const KeyTableDefinition *const KEY_TABLE_LIST_SYMBOL[] #define LAST_KEY_TABLE_DEFINITION NULL #define BEGIN_KEY_TABLE_LIST \ extern KEY_TABLE_LIST_DECLARATION; \ KEY_TABLE_LIST_DECLARATION = { #define END_KEY_TABLE_LIST LAST_KEY_TABLE_DEFINITION}; #define BRL_KEY_GROUP(drv,grp) drv ## _GRP_ ## grp #define BRL_KEY_NAME(drv,grp,key) drv ## _ ## grp ## _ ## key #define BRL_KEY_GROUP_ENTRY(drv,grp,nam) KEY_GROUP_ENTRY(BRL_KEY_GROUP(drv, grp), nam) #define BRL_KEY_NUMBER_ENTRY(drv,grp,num,nam) {.value={.group=BRL_KEY_GROUP(drv, grp), .number=(num)}, .name=nam} #define BRL_KEY_NAME_ENTRY(drv,grp,key,nam) BRL_KEY_NUMBER_ENTRY(drv, grp, BRL_KEY_NAME(drv, grp, key), nam) static inline void setBrailleKeyTable (BrailleDisplay *brl, const KeyTableDefinition *ktd) { brl->keyBindings = ktd->bindings; brl->keyNames = ktd->names; } #define TRANSLATION_TABLE_SIZE 0X100 typedef unsigned char TranslationTable[TRANSLATION_TABLE_SIZE]; #define DOTS_TABLE_SIZE 8 typedef unsigned char DotsTable[DOTS_TABLE_SIZE]; extern const DotsTable dotsTable_ISO11548_1; extern const DotsTable dotsTable_rotated; extern void makeTranslationTable (const DotsTable dots, TranslationTable table); extern void reverseTranslationTable (const TranslationTable from, TranslationTable to); extern void setOutputTable (const TranslationTable table); extern void makeOutputTable (const DotsTable dots); extern void *translateOutputCells (unsigned char *target, const unsigned char *source, size_t count); extern unsigned char translateOutputCell (unsigned char cell); extern void makeInputTable (void); extern void *translateInputCells (unsigned char *target, const unsigned char *source, size_t count); extern unsigned char translateInputCell (unsigned char cell); #define MAKE_OUTPUT_TABLE(dot1, dot2, dot3, dot4, dot5, dot6, dot7, dot8) { \ static const DotsTable dots = { \ (dot1), (dot2), (dot3), (dot4), (dot5), (dot6), (dot7), (dot8) \ }; \ makeOutputTable(dots); \ } extern void applyBrailleDisplayOrientation (unsigned char *cells, size_t count); extern int awaitBrailleInput (BrailleDisplay *brl, int timeout); typedef int BrailleSessionInitializer (BrailleDisplay *brl); extern int connectBrailleResource ( BrailleDisplay *brl, const char *identifier, const GioDescriptor *descriptor, BrailleSessionInitializer *initializeSession ); typedef int BrailleSessionEnder (BrailleDisplay *brl); extern void disconnectBrailleResource ( BrailleDisplay *brl, BrailleSessionEnder *endSession ); typedef enum { BRL_PVR_INVALID, BRL_PVR_INCLUDE, BRL_PVR_EXCLUDE } BraillePacketVerifierResult; typedef BraillePacketVerifierResult BraillePacketVerifier ( BrailleDisplay *brl, const unsigned char *bytes, size_t size, size_t *length, void *data ); extern size_t readBraillePacket ( BrailleDisplay *brl, GioEndpoint *endpoint, void *packet, size_t size, BraillePacketVerifier *verifyPacket, void *data ); extern int writeBraillePacket ( BrailleDisplay *brl, GioEndpoint *endpoint, const void *packet, size_t size ); extern int writeBrailleMessage ( BrailleDisplay *brl, GioEndpoint *endpoint, int type, const void *packet, size_t size ); extern int acknowledgeBrailleMessage (BrailleDisplay *brl); typedef int BrailleRequestWriter (BrailleDisplay *brl); typedef size_t BraillePacketReader ( BrailleDisplay *brl, void *packet, size_t size ); typedef enum { BRL_RSP_CONTINUE, BRL_RSP_DONE, BRL_RSP_FAIL, BRL_RSP_UNEXPECTED } BrailleResponseResult; typedef BrailleResponseResult BrailleResponseHandler ( BrailleDisplay *brl, const void *packet, size_t size ); extern int probeBrailleDisplay ( BrailleDisplay *brl, unsigned int retryLimit, GioEndpoint *endpoint, int inputTimeout, BrailleRequestWriter *writeRequest, BraillePacketReader *readPacket, void *responsePacket, size_t responseSize, BrailleResponseHandler *handleResponse ); typedef uint32_t KeyNumberSet; #define KEY_NUMBER_BIT(number) (UINT32_C(1) << (number)) extern KeyNumberSet makeKeyNumberSet (KEY_NAME_TABLES_REFERENCE keys, KeyGroup group); extern int enqueueKeyEvent ( BrailleDisplay *brl, KeyGroup group, KeyNumber number, int press ); extern int enqueueKeyEvents ( BrailleDisplay *brl, KeyNumberSet set, KeyGroup group, KeyNumber number, int press ); extern int enqueueKey ( BrailleDisplay *brl, KeyGroup group, KeyNumber number ); extern int enqueueKeys ( BrailleDisplay *brl, KeyNumberSet set, KeyGroup group, KeyNumber number ); extern int enqueueUpdatedKeys ( BrailleDisplay *brl, KeyNumberSet new, KeyNumberSet *old, KeyGroup group, KeyNumber number ); extern int enqueueUpdatedKeyGroup ( BrailleDisplay *brl, unsigned int count, const unsigned char *new, unsigned char *old, KeyGroup group ); extern int enqueueXtScanCode ( BrailleDisplay *brl, unsigned char code, unsigned char escape, KeyGroup group00, KeyGroup groupE0, KeyGroup groupE1 ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* BRLTTY_INCLUDED_BRL_BASE */