/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.com/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "strfmt.h" #include "file.h" #include "queue.h" #include "datafile.h" #include "variables.h" #include "charset.h" #include "unicode.h" #include "brl_dots.h" struct DataFileStruct { const char *const name; const DataFileParameters *const parameters; DataFile *const includer; int line; struct { dev_t device; ino_t file; } identity; Queue *conditions; VariableNestingLevel *variables; const wchar_t *start; const wchar_t *end; }; const wchar_t brlDotNumbers[BRL_DOT_COUNT] = { WC_C('1'), WC_C('2'), WC_C('3'), WC_C('4'), WC_C('5'), WC_C('6'), WC_C('7'), WC_C('8') }; const unsigned char brlDotBits[BRL_DOT_COUNT] = { BRL_DOT_1, BRL_DOT_2, BRL_DOT_3, BRL_DOT_4, BRL_DOT_5, BRL_DOT_6, BRL_DOT_7, BRL_DOT_8 }; int brlDotNumberToIndex (wchar_t number, int *index) { const wchar_t *character = wmemchr(brlDotNumbers, number, ARRAY_COUNT(brlDotNumbers)); if (!character) return 0; *index = character - brlDotNumbers; return 1; } int brlDotBitToIndex (unsigned char bit, int *index) { const unsigned char *cell = memchr(brlDotBits, bit, ARRAY_COUNT(brlDotBits)); if (!cell) return 0; *index = cell - brlDotBits; return 1; } void reportDataError (DataFile *file, char *format, ...) { char message[0X100]; { const char *name = NULL; const int *line = NULL; va_list args; if (file) { name = file->name; if (file->line) line = &file->line; } va_start(args, format); formatInputError(message, sizeof(message), name, line, format, args); va_end(args); } logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "%s", message); } int compareKeyword (const wchar_t *keyword, const wchar_t *characters, size_t count) { while (count > 0) { wchar_t character1; wchar_t character2; if (!(character1 = *keyword)) return -1; keyword += 1; character1 = towlower(character1); character2 = towlower(*characters++); if (character1 < character2) return -1; if (character1 > character2) return 1; count -= 1; } return *keyword? 1: 0; } int compareKeywords (const wchar_t *keyword1, const wchar_t *keyword2) { return compareKeyword(keyword1, keyword2, wcslen(keyword2)); } int isKeyword (const wchar_t *keyword, const wchar_t *characters, size_t count) { return compareKeyword(keyword, characters, count) == 0; } int isHexadecimalDigit (wchar_t character, int *value, int *shift) { if ((character >= WC_C('0')) && (character <= WC_C('9'))) { *value = character - WC_C('0'); } else if ((character >= WC_C('a')) && (character <= WC_C('f'))) { *value = character - WC_C('a') + 10; } else if ((character >= WC_C('A')) && (character <= WC_C('F'))) { *value = character - WC_C('A') + 10; } else { return 0; } *shift = 4; return 1; } int isOctalDigit (wchar_t character, int *value, int *shift) { if ((character < WC_C('0')) || (character > WC_C('7'))) return 0; *value = character - WC_C('0'); *shift = 3; return 1; } int isNumber (int *number, const wchar_t *characters, int length) { if (length > 0) { char string[length + 1]; string[length] = 0; { int index; for (index=0; indexstart = file->end; while (iswspace(file->start[0])) file->start += 1; if (*(file->end = file->start)) return 1; if (description) reportDataError(file, "%s not specified", description); return 0; } int getDataCharacter (DataFile *file, wchar_t *character) { if (!*file->end) return 0; *character = *file->end++; return 1; } int ungetDataCharacters (DataFile *file, unsigned int count) { unsigned int maximum = file->end - file->start; if (count > maximum) { reportDataError(file, "unget character count out of range: %u > %u", count, maximum); return 0; } file->end -= count; return 1; } void getTextRemaining (DataFile *file, DataOperand *text) { file->end = file->start + wcslen(file->start); text->characters = file->start; text->length = file->end - file->start; } int getTextOperand (DataFile *file, DataOperand *text, const char *description) { if (!findDataOperand(file, description)) return 0; getTextRemaining(file, text); while (text->length) { unsigned int newLength = text->length - 1; if (!iswspace(text->characters[newLength])) break; text->length = newLength; } return 1; } int getDataOperand (DataFile *file, DataOperand *operand, const char *description) { if (!findDataOperand(file, description)) return 0; do { file->end += 1; } while (file->end[0] && !iswspace(file->end[0])); operand->characters = file->start; operand->length = file->end - file->start; return 1; } int parseDataString (DataFile *file, DataString *string, const wchar_t *characters, int length, int noUnicode) { int index = 0; string->length = 0; while (index < length) { wchar_t character = characters[index]; DataOperand substitution = { .characters = &character, .length = 1 }; if (character == WC_C('\\')) { int start = index; const char *problem = strtext("invalid escape sequence"); int ok = 0; if (++index < length) { switch ((character = characters[index])) { case WC_C('#'): case WC_C('\\'): ok = 1; break; case WC_C('b'): character = WC_C('\b'); ok = 1; break; case WC_C('f'): character = WC_C('\f'); ok = 1; break; case WC_C('n'): character = WC_C('\n'); ok = 1; break; case WC_C('r'): character = WC_C('\r'); ok = 1; break; case WC_C('s'): character = WC_C(' '); ok = 1; break; case WC_C('t'): character = WC_C('\t'); ok = 1; break; case WC_C('v'): character = WC_C('\v'); ok = 1; break; { uint32_t result; int count; int (*isDigit) (wchar_t character, int *value, int *shift); case WC_C('o'): count = 3; isDigit = isOctalDigit; goto doNumber; case WC_C('U'): if (noUnicode) break; count = 8; goto doHexadecimal; case WC_C('u'): if (noUnicode) break; count = 4; goto doHexadecimal; case WC_C('X'): case WC_C('x'): count = 2; goto doHexadecimal; doHexadecimal: isDigit = isHexadecimalDigit; goto doNumber; doNumber: result = 0; while (++index < length) { { int value; int shift; if (!isDigit(characters[index], &value, &shift)) break; result = (result << shift) | value; } if (!--count) { if (result > WCHAR_MAX) { problem = NULL; } else { character = result; ok = 1; } break; } } break; } case WC_C('{'): { const wchar_t *first = &characters[++index]; const wchar_t *end = wmemchr(first, WC_C('}'), length-index); if (end) { int count = end - first; index += count; const Variable *variable = findReadableVariable(currentDataVariables, first, count); if (variable) { getVariableValue(variable, &substitution.characters, &substitution.length); ok = 1; } } else { index = length - 1; } break; } case WC_C('<'): { const wchar_t *first = &characters[++index]; const wchar_t *end = wmemchr(first, WC_C('>'), length-index); if (noUnicode) break; if (end) { int count = end - first; index += count; { char name[count+1]; { unsigned int i; for (i=0; ilength + substitution.length; /* there needs to be room for a trailing NUL */ if (newLength >= ARRAY_COUNT(string->characters)) { reportDataError(file, "string operand too long"); return 0; } wmemcpy(&string->characters[string->length], substitution.characters, substitution.length); string->length = newLength; } } string->characters[string->length] = 0; return 1; } int getDataString (DataFile *file, DataString *string, int noUnicode, const char *description) { DataOperand operand; if (getDataOperand(file, &operand, description)) if (parseDataString(file, string, operand.characters, operand.length, noUnicode)) return 1; return 0; } int writeHexadecimalCharacter (FILE *stream, wchar_t character) { uint32_t value = character; if (value < 0X100) { return fprintf(stream, "\\x%02" PRIX32, value) != EOF; } else if (value < 0X10000) { return fprintf(stream, "\\u%04" PRIX32, value) != EOF; } else { return fprintf(stream, "\\U%08" PRIX32, value) != EOF; } } int writeEscapedCharacter (FILE *stream, wchar_t character) { { static const char escapes[] = { [' '] = 's', ['\\'] = '\\' }; if (character < ARRAY_COUNT(escapes)) { char escape = escapes[character]; if (escape) { return fprintf(stream, "\\%c", escape) != EOF; } } } if (iswspace(character) || iswcntrl(character)) return writeHexadecimalCharacter(stream, character); return writeUtf8Character(stream, character); } int writeEscapedCharacters (FILE *stream, const wchar_t *characters, size_t count) { const wchar_t *end = characters + count; while (characters < end) if (!writeEscapedCharacter(stream, *characters++)) return 0; return 1; } static int parseDotOperand (DataFile *file, int *index, const wchar_t *characters, int length) { if (length == 1) if (brlDotNumberToIndex(characters[0], index)) return 1; reportDataError(file, "invalid braille dot number: %.*" PRIws, length, characters); return 0; } int getDotOperand (DataFile *file, int *index) { DataOperand number; if (getDataOperand(file, &number, "dot number")) if (parseDotOperand(file, index, number.characters, number.length)) return 1; return 0; } int parseCellsOperand (DataFile *file, ByteOperand *cells, const wchar_t *characters, int length) { unsigned char cell = 0; int start = 0; int index; cells->length = 0; for (index=0; indexbytes[cells->length++] = cell; if (cells->length == ARRAY_COUNT(cells->bytes)) { reportDataError(file, "cells operand too long"); return 0; } cell = 0; start = index + 1; break; default: invalid: reportDataError(file, "invalid dot number: %.1" PRIws, &character); return 0; } } if (index == start) { reportDataError(file, "missing cell specification"); return 0; } cells->bytes[cells->length++] = cell; /*last cell */ return 1; } int getCellsOperand (DataFile *file, ByteOperand *cells, const char *description) { DataOperand operand; if (getDataOperand(file, &operand, description)) if (parseCellsOperand(file, cells, operand.characters, operand.length)) return 1; return 0; } int writeDots (FILE *stream, unsigned char cell) { unsigned int dot; for (dot=1; dot<=BRL_DOT_COUNT; dot+=1) { if (cell & (1 << (dot - 1))) { if (fprintf(stream, "%u", dot) == EOF) return 0; } } return 1; } int writeDotsCell (FILE *stream, unsigned char cell) { if (!cell) return fputc('0', stream) != EOF; return writeDots(stream, cell); } int writeDotsCells (FILE *stream, const unsigned char *cells, size_t count) { const unsigned char *cell = cells; const unsigned char *end = cells + count; while (cell < end) { if (cell != cells) if (fputc('-', stream) == EOF) return 0; if (!writeDotsCell(stream, *cell++)) return 0; } return 1; } int writeUtf8Cell (FILE *stream, unsigned char cell) { return writeUtf8Character(stream, (UNICODE_BRAILLE_ROW | cell)); } int writeUtf8Cells (FILE *stream, const unsigned char *cells, size_t count) { const unsigned char *end = cells + count; while (cells < end) if (!writeUtf8Cell(stream, *cells++)) return 0; return 1; } typedef struct { unsigned canInclude:1; unsigned isIncluding:1; unsigned inElse:1; } DataCondition; static inline int shallInclude (const DataCondition *condition) { return condition->canInclude && condition->isIncluding; } static void deallocateDataCondition (void *item, void *data UNUSED) { DataCondition *condition = item; free(condition); } static Element * getInnermostDataCondition (DataFile *file) { return getStackHead(file->conditions); } static Element * getCurrentDataCondition (DataFile *file) { { Element *element = getInnermostDataCondition(file); if (element) return element; } reportDataError(file, "no outstanding condition"); return NULL; } static int removeDataCondition (DataFile *file, Element *element, int identifier) { if (!(element && (identifier == getElementIdentifier(element)))) return 0; deleteElement(element); return 1; } static Element * pushDataCondition ( DataFile *file, const DataString *name, DataConditionTester *testCondition, int negateCondition ) { DataCondition *condition; if ((condition = malloc(sizeof(*condition)))) { memset(condition, 0, sizeof(*condition)); condition->inElse = 0; { const DataOperand identifier = { .characters = name->characters, .length = name->length }; condition->isIncluding = testCondition(file, &identifier, file->parameters->data); if (negateCondition) condition->isIncluding = !condition->isIncluding; } { Element *element = getInnermostDataCondition(file); if (element) { const DataCondition *parent = getElementItem(element); condition->canInclude = shallInclude(parent); } else { condition->canInclude = 1; } } { Element *element = enqueueItem(file->conditions, condition); if (element) return element; } free(condition); } else { logMallocError(); } return NULL; } static int testDataCondition (DataFile *file) { Element *element = getInnermostDataCondition(file); if (element) { const DataCondition *condition = getElementItem(element); if (!shallInclude(condition)) return 0; } return 1; } static int compareDataDirectiveNames (const wchar_t *name1, const wchar_t *name2) { return compareKeywords(name1, name2); } static int sortDataDirectivesByName (const void *element1, const void *element2) { const DataDirective *const *directive1 = element1; const DataDirective *const *directive2 = element2; return compareDataDirectiveNames((*directive1)->name, (*directive2)->name); } static int searchDataDirectiveByName (const void *target, const void *element) { const wchar_t *name = target; const DataDirective *const *directive = element; return compareDataDirectiveNames(name, (*directive)->name); } static const DataDirective * findDataDirectiveByName (const DataDirectives *directives, const wchar_t *name) { DataDirective **directive = bsearch( name, directives->sorted.table, directives->sorted.count, sizeof(*directives->sorted.table), searchDataDirectiveByName ); return directive? *directive: NULL; } static int prepareDataDirectives (DataDirectives *directives) { if (!directives->sorted.table) { static const DataDirective unnamed = { .name = NULL, .processor = NULL }; directives->unnamed = &unnamed; directives->sorted.count = 0; if (!(directives->sorted.table = malloc(ARRAY_SIZE(directives->sorted.table, directives->unsorted.count)))) { logMallocError(); return 0; } { const DataDirective *directive = directives->unsorted.table; const DataDirective *end = directive + directives->unsorted.count; while (directive < end) { if (directive->name) { directives->sorted.table[directives->sorted.count++] = directive; } else { directives->unnamed = directive; } directive += 1; } } qsort(directives->sorted.table, directives->sorted.count, sizeof(*directives->sorted.table), sortDataDirectivesByName); } return 1; } int processDirectiveOperand (DataFile *file, DataDirectives *directives, const char *description, void *data) { DataOperand name; if (getDataOperand(file, &name, description)) { const DataDirective *directive; if (!prepareDataDirectives(directives)) return 0; { wchar_t string[name.length + 1]; wmemcpy(string, name.characters, name.length); string[name.length] = 0; if (!(directive = findDataDirectiveByName(directives, string))) { directive = directives->unnamed; ungetDataCharacters(file, name.length); } } if (!(directive->unconditional || testDataCondition(file))) return 1; if (directive->processor) return directive->processor(file, data); reportDataError(file, "unknown %s: %.*" PRIws, description, name.length, name.characters); } return 1; } static int processDataOperands (DataFile *file) { return file->parameters->processOperands(file, file->parameters->data); } static int processDataCharacters (DataFile *file, const wchar_t *line) { file->end = file->start = line; if (!(file->parameters->options & DFO_NO_COMMENTS)) { if (!findDataOperand(file, NULL)) return 1; if (file->start[0] == WC_C('#')) return 1; } return processDataOperands(file); } static int processConditionSubdirective (DataFile *file, Element *element) { int identifier = getElementIdentifier(element); if (findDataOperand(file, NULL)) { int result = processDataOperands(file); removeDataCondition(file, element, identifier); return result; } return 1; } int processConditionOperands ( DataFile *file, DataConditionTester *testCondition, int negateCondition, const char *description, void *data ) { DataString name; if (getDataString(file, &name, 1, description)) { Element *element = pushDataCondition(file, &name, testCondition, negateCondition); if (!element) return 0; if (!processConditionSubdirective(file, element)) return 0; } return 1; } static DATA_CONDITION_TESTER(testVariableDefined) { return !!findReadableVariable(currentDataVariables, identifier->characters, identifier->length); } static int processVariableTestOperands (DataFile *file, int isDefined, void *data) { return processConditionOperands(file, testVariableDefined, !isDefined, "variable name", data); } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfVarOperands) { return processVariableTestOperands(file, 1, data); } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIfNotVarOperands) { return processVariableTestOperands(file, 0, data); } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processBeginVariablesOperands) { return pushDataVariableNestingLevel(); } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processEndVariablesOperands) { if (currentDataVariables == file->variables) { reportDataError(file, "no nested variables"); } else { currentDataVariables = removeVariableNestingLevel(currentDataVariables); } return 1; } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processListVariablesOperands) { listVariables(currentDataVariables); return 1; } static int processVariableAssignmentOperands (DataFile *file, int ifNotSet, void *data) { DataOperand name; if (getDataOperand(file, &name, "variable name")) { DataString value; if (!getDataString(file, &value, 0, NULL)) { value.length = 0; } if (ifNotSet) { const Variable *variable = findReadableVariable(currentDataVariables, name.characters, name.length); if (variable) return 1; } { Variable *variable = findWritableVariable(currentDataVariables, name.characters, name.length); if (variable) { if (setVariable(variable, value.characters, value.length)) return 1; } } } return 1; } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processAssignDefaultOperands) { return processVariableAssignmentOperands(file, 1, data); } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processAssignOperands) { return processVariableAssignmentOperands(file, 0, data); } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processElseOperands) { Element *element = getCurrentDataCondition(file); if (element) { DataCondition *condition = getElementItem(element); if (condition->inElse) { reportDataError(file, "already in else"); } else { condition->inElse = 1; condition->isIncluding = !condition->isIncluding; if (!processConditionSubdirective(file, element)) return 0; } } return 1; } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processEndIfOperands) { Element *element = getCurrentDataCondition(file); if (element) { removeDataCondition(file, element, getElementIdentifier(element)); } return 1; } static int isDataFileIncluded (DataFile *file, const char *path) { struct stat info; if (stat(path, &info) != -1) { while (file) { if ((file->identity.device == info.st_dev) && (file->identity.file == info.st_ino)) return 1; file = file->includer; } } return 0; } static FILE * openIncludedDataFile (DataFile *includer, const char *path, const char *mode, int optional) { const char *const *overrideDirectories = getAllOverrideDirectories(); const char *overrideDirectory = NULL; char *overridePath = NULL; int writable = (*mode == 'w') || (*mode == 'a'); const char *name = locatePathName(path); FILE *file; if (overrideDirectories) { const char *const *directory = overrideDirectories; while (*directory) { if (**directory) { char *path = makePath(*directory, name); if (path) { if (!isDataFileIncluded(includer, path)) { if (testFilePath(path)) { file = openFile(path, mode, optional); overrideDirectory = *directory; overridePath = path; goto done; } } free(path); } } directory += 1; } } if (isDataFileIncluded(includer, path)) { logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "data file include loop: %s", path); file = NULL; errno = ENOENT; } else if (!(file = openFile(path, mode, optional))) { if (writable) { if (errno == ENOENT) { char *directory = getPathDirectory(path); if (directory) { int exists = ensureDirectory(directory); free(directory); if (exists) { file = openFile(path, mode, optional); goto done; } } } if ((errno == EACCES) || (errno == EROFS)) { if ((overrideDirectory = getPrimaryOverrideDirectory())) { if ((overridePath = makePath(overrideDirectory, name))) { if (ensureDirectory(overrideDirectory)) { file = openFile(overridePath, mode, optional); goto done; } } } } } } done: if (overridePath) free(overridePath); return file; } FILE * openDataFile (const char *path, const char *mode, int optional) { return openIncludedDataFile(NULL, path, mode, optional); } int includeDataFile (DataFile *file, const wchar_t *name, int length) { int ok = 0; const char *prefixAddress = file->name; size_t prefixLength = 0; size_t suffixLength; char *suffixAddress = makeUtf8FromWchars(name, length, &suffixLength); if (suffixAddress) { if (!isAbsolutePath(suffixAddress)) { const char *prefixEnd = strrchr(prefixAddress, '/'); if (prefixEnd) prefixLength = prefixEnd - prefixAddress + 1; } { char path[prefixLength + suffixLength + 1]; FILE *stream; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%.*s%.*s", (int)prefixLength, prefixAddress, (int)suffixLength, suffixAddress); if ((stream = openIncludedDataFile(file, path, "r", 0))) { if (processDataStream(file, stream, path, file->parameters)) ok = 1; fclose(stream); } } free(suffixAddress); } else { logMallocError(); } return ok; } DATA_OPERANDS_PROCESSOR(processIncludeOperands) { DataString path; if (getDataString(file, &path, 0, "include file path")) if (!includeDataFile(file, path.characters, path.length)) return 0; return 1; } static int processDataLine (char *line, void *dataAddress) { DataFile *file = dataAddress; size_t size = strlen(line) + 1; const char *byte = line; wchar_t characters[size]; wchar_t *character = characters; file->line += 1; convertUtf8ToWchars(&byte, &character, size); if (*byte) { unsigned int offset = byte - line; reportDataError(file, "illegal UTF-8 character at offset %u", offset); return 1; } return processDataCharacters(file, characters); } int processDataStream ( DataFile *includer, FILE *stream, const char *name, const DataFileParameters *parameters ) { logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "including data file: %s", name); int ok = 0; DataFile file = { .name = name, .parameters = parameters, .includer = includer, .line = 0, }; { struct stat info; if (fstat(fileno(stream), &info) != -1) { file.identity.device = info.st_dev; file.identity.file = info.st_ino; } } VariableNestingLevel *oldVariables = currentDataVariables; if ((file.variables = newVariableNestingLevel(oldVariables, name))) { currentDataVariables = claimVariableNestingLevel(file.variables); if ((file.conditions = newQueue(deallocateDataCondition, NULL))) { if (processLines(stream, processDataLine, &file)) ok = 1; if (getInnermostDataCondition(&file)) { reportDataError(&file, "outstanding condition at end of file"); } deallocateQueue(file.conditions); } releaseVariableNestingLevel(currentDataVariables); currentDataVariables = oldVariables; } return ok; } int processDataFile (const char *name, const DataFileParameters *parameters) { int ok = 0; FILE *stream; if ((stream = openDataFile(name, "r", 0))) { if (processDataStream(NULL, stream, name, parameters)) ok = 1; fclose(stream); } return ok; }