/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.com/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #include "strfmt.h" #include "device.h" #include "file.h" #include "parse.h" FILE * getConsole (void) { #if defined(GRUB_RUNTIME) return stdout; #else /* get console */ static FILE *console = NULL; if (!console) { if ((console = fopen("/dev/console", "wb"))) { logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "console opened: fd=%d", fileno(console)); registerProgramStream("console-stream", &console); } else { logSystemError("console open"); } } return console; #endif /* get console */ } int writeConsole (const unsigned char *bytes, size_t count) { FILE *console = getConsole(); if (!console) return 0; while (count) { size_t result = fwrite(bytes, 1, count, console); if (!ferror(console)) fflush(console); if (ferror(console)) { logSystemError("console write"); return 0; } bytes += result; count -= result; } return 1; } int ringBell (void) { static unsigned char bellSequence[] = {0X07}; return writeConsole(bellSequence, sizeof(bellSequence)); } const char * getDeviceDirectory (void) { static const char *deviceDirectory = NULL; if (!deviceDirectory) { const char *directory = DEVICE_DIRECTORY; const size_t directoryLength = strlen(directory); static const char *const variables[] = {"DTDEVROOT", "UTDEVROOT", NULL}; const char *const *variable = variables; while (*variable) { const char *root = getenv(*variable); if (root && *root) { const size_t rootLength = strlen(root); char path[rootLength + directoryLength + 1]; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", root, directory); if (testDirectoryPath(path)) { if ((deviceDirectory = strdup(path))) goto found; logMallocError(); } else if (errno != ENOENT) { logMessage(LOG_ERR, "device directory error: %s (%s): %s", path, *variable, strerror(errno)); } } variable += 1; } deviceDirectory = directory; found: logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "device directory: %s", deviceDirectory); } return deviceDirectory; } char * getDevicePath (const char *device) { const char *directory = getDeviceDirectory(); #ifdef ALLOW_DOS_DEVICE_NAMES if (isDosDevice(device, NULL)) { //directory = NULL; } #endif /* ALLOW_DOS_DEVICE_NAMES */ return makePath(directory, device); } const char * resolveDeviceName (const char *const *names, const char *description) { const char *first = *names; const char *device = NULL; const char *name; while ((name = *names++)) { char *path = getDevicePath(name); if (!path) break; logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "checking %s device: %s", description, path); if (testPath(path)) { device = name; free(path); break; } logMessage(LOG_DEBUG, "%s device access error: %s: %s", description, path, strerror(errno)); if (errno != ENOENT) if (!device) device = name; free(path); } if (!device) { if (first) { device = first; } else { logMessage(LOG_ERR, "%s device names not defined", description); } } if (device) logMessage(LOG_INFO, "%s device: %s", description, device); return device; } char ** getDeviceParameters (const char *const *names, const char *identifier) { char parameters[strlen(names[0]) + 1 + strlen(identifier) + 1]; STR_BEGIN(parameters, sizeof(parameters)) { static const char characters[] = { DEVICE_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR, PARAMETER_ASSIGNMENT_CHARACTER, 0 }; const char *character = strpbrk(identifier, characters); if (!(character && (*character == PARAMETER_ASSIGNMENT_CHARACTER))) { STR_PRINTF("%s%c", names[0], PARAMETER_ASSIGNMENT_CHARACTER); } } { char *character = STR_NEXT; STR_PRINTF("%s", identifier); while (character < STR_NEXT) { if (*character == DEVICE_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR) *character = PARAMETER_SEPARATOR_CHARACTER; character += 1; } } STR_END; return getParameters(names, NULL, parameters); } #ifdef ALLOW_DOS_DEVICE_NAMES int isDosDevice (const char *identifier, const char *prefix) { size_t count = strcspn(identifier, ":"); size_t length; if (!count) return 0; if (prefix) { if (!(length = strlen(prefix))) return 0; if (length > count) return 0; if (strncasecmp(identifier, prefix, length) != 0) return 0; } else { length = strspn(identifier, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"); if (!length) return 0; } identifier += length; count -= length; if (strspn(identifier, "0123456789") != count) return 0; return 1; } #endif /* ALLOW_DOS_DEVICE_NAMES */