/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.com/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include #include "log.h" #include "strfmt.h" #include "alert.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "ktb.h" #include "ktb_internal.h" #include "ktb_inspect.h" #include "brl_cmds.h" #include "cmd.h" #include "cmd_enqueue.h" #include "async_alarm.h" #define RETAIN_CHORD_KEY 0 #define ON_FIRST_RELEASE 1 #define BRL_CMD_ALERT(alert) BRL_CMD_ARG(ALERT, ALERT_##alert) ASYNC_ALARM_CALLBACK(handleKeyAutoreleaseAlarm) { KeyTable *table = parameters->data; asyncDiscardHandle(table->autorelease.alarm); table->autorelease.alarm = NULL; for (unsigned int index=0; indexpressedKeys.count; index+=1) { const KeyValue *kv = &table->pressedKeys.table[index]; char key[0X40]; STR_BEGIN(key, sizeof(key)); STR_FORMAT(formatKeyName, table, kv); STR_PRINTF(" (Grp:%u Num:%u)", kv->group, kv->number); STR_END; logMessage(LOG_WARNING, "autoreleasing key: %s", key); } resetKeyTable(table); alert(ALERT_KEYS_AUTORELEASED); } static void cancelAutoreleaseAlarm (KeyTable *table) { if (table->autorelease.alarm) { asyncCancelRequest(table->autorelease.alarm); table->autorelease.alarm = NULL; } } static void setAutoreleaseAlarm (KeyTable *table) { if (!table->autorelease.time || !table->pressedKeys.count) { cancelAutoreleaseAlarm(table); } else if (table->autorelease.alarm) { asyncResetAlarmIn(table->autorelease.alarm, table->autorelease.time); } else { asyncNewRelativeAlarm(&table->autorelease.alarm, table->autorelease.time, handleKeyAutoreleaseAlarm, table); } } void setKeyAutoreleaseTime (KeyTable *table, unsigned char setting) { table->autorelease.time = setting? (5000 << (setting - 1)): 0; setAutoreleaseAlarm(table); } static int sortModifierKeys (const void *element1, const void *element2) { const KeyValue *modifier1 = element1; const KeyValue *modifier2 = element2; return compareKeyValues(modifier1, modifier2); } static int searchKeyBinding (const void *target, const void *element) { const KeyBinding *reference = target; const KeyBinding *const *binding = element; return compareKeyBindings(reference, *binding); } static const KeyBinding * findKeyBinding (KeyTable *table, unsigned char context, const KeyValue *immediate, int *isIncomplete) { const KeyContext *ctx = getKeyContext(table, context); if (ctx && ctx->keyBindings.sorted && (table->pressedKeys.count <= MAX_MODIFIERS_PER_COMBINATION)) { KeyBinding target; memset(&target, 0, sizeof(target)); if (immediate) { target.keyCombination.immediateKey = *immediate; target.keyCombination.flags |= KCF_IMMEDIATE_KEY; } target.keyCombination.modifierCount = table->pressedKeys.count; while (1) { unsigned int all = (1 << table->pressedKeys.count) - 1; unsigned int bits; for (bits=0; bits<=all; bits+=1) { { unsigned int index; unsigned int bit; for (index=0, bit=1; indexpressedKeys.count; index+=1, bit<<=1) { KeyValue *modifier = &target.keyCombination.modifierKeys[index]; *modifier = table->pressedKeys.table[index]; if (bits & bit) modifier->number = KTB_KEY_ANY; } } qsort(target.keyCombination.modifierKeys, table->pressedKeys.count, sizeof(*target.keyCombination.modifierKeys), sortModifierKeys); { const KeyBinding *const *binding = bsearch(&target, ctx->keyBindings.sorted, ctx->keyBindings.count, sizeof(*ctx->keyBindings.sorted), searchKeyBinding); if (binding) { if ((*binding)->primaryCommand.value != EOF) return *binding; *isIncomplete = 1; } } } if (!(target.keyCombination.flags & KCF_IMMEDIATE_KEY)) break; if (target.keyCombination.immediateKey.number == KTB_KEY_ANY) break; target.keyCombination.immediateKey.number = KTB_KEY_ANY; } } return NULL; } static int searchHotkeyEntry (const void *target, const void *element) { const HotkeyEntry *reference = target; const HotkeyEntry *const *hotkey = element; return compareKeyValues(&reference->keyValue, &(*hotkey)->keyValue); } static const HotkeyEntry * findHotkeyEntry (KeyTable *table, unsigned char context, const KeyValue *keyValue) { const KeyContext *ctx = getKeyContext(table, context); if (ctx && ctx->hotkeys.sorted) { HotkeyEntry target = { .keyValue = *keyValue }; { const HotkeyEntry *const *hotkey = bsearch(&target, ctx->hotkeys.sorted, ctx->hotkeys.count, sizeof(*ctx->hotkeys.sorted), searchHotkeyEntry); if (hotkey) return *hotkey; } } return NULL; } static int searchMappedKeyEntry (const void *target, const void *element) { const MappedKeyEntry *reference = target; const MappedKeyEntry *const *map = element; return compareKeyValues(&reference->keyValue, &(*map)->keyValue); } static const MappedKeyEntry * findMappedKeyEntry (const KeyContext *ctx, const KeyValue *keyValue) { if (ctx->mappedKeys.sorted) { MappedKeyEntry target = { .keyValue = *keyValue }; { const MappedKeyEntry *const *map = bsearch(&target, ctx->mappedKeys.sorted, ctx->mappedKeys.count, sizeof(*ctx->mappedKeys.sorted), searchMappedKeyEntry); if (map) return *map; } } return NULL; } static int makeKeyboardCommand (KeyTable *table, unsigned char context, int allowChords) { const KeyContext *ctx; if ((ctx = getKeyContext(table, context))) { int bits = 0; for (unsigned int pressedIndex=0; pressedIndexpressedKeys.count; pressedIndex+=1) { const KeyValue *keyValue = &table->pressedKeys.table[pressedIndex]; const MappedKeyEntry *map = findMappedKeyEntry(ctx, keyValue); if (!map) return EOF; bits |= map->keyboardFunction->bit; } { int space = bits & BRL_DOTC; int dots = bits & ( BRL_DOT1 | BRL_DOT2 | BRL_DOT3 | BRL_DOT4 | BRL_DOT5 | BRL_DOT6 | BRL_DOT7 | BRL_DOT8 ); if (!(allowChords && ((space | dots) == bits))) { if (!space == !dots) return EOF; if (dots) bits |= ctx->mappedKeys.superimpose; bits &= ~BRL_DOTC; } } return BRL_CMD_BLK(PASSDOTS) | bits; } return EOF; } static int findPressedKey (KeyTable *table, const KeyValue *value, unsigned int *position) { return findKeyValue(table->pressedKeys.table, table->pressedKeys.count, value, position); } static int insertPressedKey (KeyTable *table, const KeyValue *value, unsigned int position) { return insertKeyValue(&table->pressedKeys.table, &table->pressedKeys.count, &table->pressedKeys.size, value, position); } static void removePressedKey (KeyTable *table, unsigned int position) { removeKeyValue(table->pressedKeys.table, &table->pressedKeys.count, position); } static inline void deleteExplicitKeyValue (KeyValue *values, unsigned int *count, const KeyValue *value) { if (value->number != KTB_KEY_ANY) deleteKeyValue(values, count, value); } static int sortKeyOffsets (const void *element1, const void *element2) { const KeyValue *value1 = element1; const KeyValue *value2 = element2; if (value1->number < value2->number) return -1; if (value1->number > value2->number) return 1; return 0; } static void addCommandArguments (KeyTable *table, int *command, const CommandEntry *entry, const KeyBinding *binding) { if (entry->isOffset | entry->isColumn | entry->isRow | entry->isRange | entry->isKeyboard) { unsigned int keyCount = table->pressedKeys.count; KeyValue keyValues[keyCount]; copyKeyValues(keyValues, table->pressedKeys.table, keyCount); { int index; for (index=0; indexkeyCombination.modifierCount; index+=1) { deleteExplicitKeyValue(keyValues, &keyCount, &binding->keyCombination.modifierKeys[index]); } } if (binding->keyCombination.flags & KCF_IMMEDIATE_KEY) { deleteExplicitKeyValue(keyValues, &keyCount, &binding->keyCombination.immediateKey); } if (keyCount > 0) { if (keyCount > 1) { qsort(keyValues, keyCount, sizeof(*keyValues), sortKeyOffsets); if (entry->isRange) *command |= BRL_EXT_PUT(keyValues[1].number); } *command += keyValues[0].number; } else if (entry->isColumn) { if (!entry->isRouting) *command |= BRL_MSK_ARG; } } } static int processCommand (KeyTable *table, int command) { int blk = command & BRL_MSK_BLK; int arg = command & BRL_MSK_ARG; switch (blk) { case BRL_CMD_BLK(CONTEXT): { unsigned char context = KTB_CTX_DEFAULT + arg; const KeyContext *ctx = getKeyContext(table, context); if (ctx) { command = BRL_CMD_NOOP; table->context.next = context; if (isTemporaryKeyContext(table, ctx)) { if (!enqueueCommand(BRL_CMD_ALERT(TOGGLE_ON))) return 0; } else { table->context.persistent = context; if (!enqueueCommand(BRL_CMD_ALERT(TOGGLE_OFF))) return 0; } } break; } case BRL_CMD_BLK(PASSCHAR): case BRL_CMD_BLK(PASSDOTS): case BRL_CMD_BLK(PASSKEY): if (table->options.keyboardEnabledFlag && !*table->options.keyboardEnabledFlag) { command = BRL_CMD_ALERT(COMMAND_REJECTED); } break; default: break; } return enqueueCommand(command); } static void logKeyEvent ( KeyTable *table, const char *action, unsigned char context, const KeyValue *keyValue, int command ) { if (table->options.logKeyEventsFlag && *table->options.logKeyEventsFlag) { char buffer[0X100]; STR_BEGIN(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (table->options.logLabel) STR_PRINTF("%s ", table->options.logLabel); STR_PRINTF("key %s: ", action); STR_FORMAT(formatKeyName, table, keyValue); STR_PRINTF(" (Ctx:%u Grp:%u Num:%u)", context, keyValue->group, keyValue->number); if (command != EOF) { const CommandEntry *cmd = findCommandEntry(command); const char *name = cmd? cmd->name: "?"; STR_PRINTF(" -> %s (Cmd:%06X)", name, command); } STR_END; logMessage(categoryLogLevel, "%s", buffer); } } static void setLongPressAlarm (KeyTable *table, unsigned char when); ASYNC_ALARM_CALLBACK(handleLongPressAlarm) { KeyTable *table = parameters->data; int command = table->longPress.command; asyncDiscardHandle(table->longPress.alarm); table->longPress.alarm = NULL; logKeyEvent(table, table->longPress.keyAction, table->longPress.keyContext, &table->longPress.keyValue, command); if (table->longPress.repeat) { table->longPress.keyAction = "repeat"; setLongPressAlarm(table, prefs.autorepeatInterval); } table->release.command = BRL_CMD_NOOP; processCommand(table, command); } static void setLongPressAlarm (KeyTable *table, unsigned char when) { asyncNewRelativeAlarm(&table->longPress.alarm, PREFERENCES_TIME(when), handleLongPressAlarm, table); } static int isRepeatableCommand (int command) { if (prefs.autorepeatEnabled) { switch (command & BRL_MSK_BLK) { case BRL_CMD_BLK(PASSCHAR): case BRL_CMD_BLK(PASSDOTS): return 1; default: switch (command & BRL_MSK_CMD) { case BRL_CMD_LNUP: case BRL_CMD_LNDN: case BRL_CMD_PRDIFLN: case BRL_CMD_NXDIFLN: case BRL_CMD_CHRLT: case BRL_CMD_CHRRT: case BRL_CMD_MENU_PREV_ITEM: case BRL_CMD_MENU_NEXT_ITEM: case BRL_CMD_MENU_PREV_SETTING: case BRL_CMD_MENU_NEXT_SETTING: case BRL_CMD_KEY(BACKSPACE): case BRL_CMD_KEY(DELETE): case BRL_CMD_KEY(PAGE_UP): case BRL_CMD_KEY(PAGE_DOWN): case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_UP): case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_DOWN): case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_LEFT): case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_RIGHT): case BRL_CMD_SPEAK_PREV_CHAR: case BRL_CMD_SPEAK_NEXT_CHAR: case BRL_CMD_SPEAK_PREV_WORD: case BRL_CMD_SPEAK_NEXT_WORD: case BRL_CMD_SPEAK_PREV_LINE: case BRL_CMD_SPEAK_NEXT_LINE: return 1; case BRL_CMD_FWINLT: case BRL_CMD_FWINRT: if (prefs.autorepeatPanning) return 1; default: break; } break; } } return 0; } KeyTableState processKeyEvent ( KeyTable *table, unsigned char context, KeyGroup keyGroup, KeyNumber keyNumber, int press ) { const KeyValue keyValue = { .group = keyGroup, .number = keyNumber }; KeyTableState state = KTS_UNBOUND; int command = EOF; const HotkeyEntry *hotkey; if (press && !table->pressedKeys.count) { table->context.current = table->context.next; table->context.next = table->context.persistent; } if (context == KTB_CTX_DEFAULT) context = table->context.current; if (!(hotkey = findHotkeyEntry(table, context, &keyValue))) { const KeyValue anyKey = { .group = keyValue.group, .number = KTB_KEY_ANY }; hotkey = findHotkeyEntry(table, context, &anyKey); } if (hotkey) { const BoundCommand *cmd = press? &hotkey->pressCommand: &hotkey->releaseCommand; if (cmd->value != BRL_CMD_NOOP) processCommand(table, (command = cmd->value)); state = KTS_HOTKEY; } else { int isImmediate = 1; unsigned int keyPosition; int wasPressed = findPressedKey(table, &keyValue, &keyPosition); if (wasPressed) removePressedKey(table, keyPosition); if (press) { int isIncomplete = 0; const KeyBinding *binding = findKeyBinding(table, context, &keyValue, &isIncomplete); int inserted = insertPressedKey(table, &keyValue, keyPosition); if (RETAIN_CHORD_KEY && ((command = makeKeyboardCommand(table, context, 1)) != EOF)) { binding = NULL; isImmediate = 0; } else if (binding) { command = binding->primaryCommand.value; } else if ((binding = findKeyBinding(table, context, NULL, &isIncomplete))) { command = binding->primaryCommand.value; isImmediate = 0; } else if ((command = makeKeyboardCommand(table, context, 0)) != EOF) { isImmediate = 0; } else if (context == KTB_CTX_DEFAULT) { command = EOF; } else if (!inserted) { command = EOF; } else { removePressedKey(table, keyPosition); binding = findKeyBinding(table, KTB_CTX_DEFAULT, &keyValue, &isIncomplete); inserted = insertPressedKey(table, &keyValue, keyPosition); if (binding) { command = binding->primaryCommand.value; } else if ((binding = findKeyBinding(table, KTB_CTX_DEFAULT, NULL, &isIncomplete))) { command = binding->primaryCommand.value; isImmediate = 0; } else { command = EOF; } } if (command == EOF) { command = BRL_CMD_NOOP; if (isIncomplete) state = KTS_MODIFIERS; } else { state = KTS_COMMAND; } if (!wasPressed) { int secondaryCommand = BRL_CMD_NOOP; resetLongPressData(table); table->release.command = BRL_CMD_NOOP; if (binding) { addCommandArguments(table, &command, binding->primaryCommand.entry, binding); secondaryCommand = binding->secondaryCommand.value; addCommandArguments(table, &secondaryCommand, binding->secondaryCommand.entry, binding); } if (context == KTB_CTX_WAITING) { table->release.command = BRL_CMD_NOOP; } else { if (secondaryCommand == BRL_CMD_NOOP) { if (isRepeatableCommand(command)) { secondaryCommand = command; } } if (isImmediate) { table->release.command = BRL_CMD_NOOP; } else { table->release.command = command; command = BRL_CMD_NOOP; } if (secondaryCommand != BRL_CMD_NOOP) { table->longPress.command = secondaryCommand; table->longPress.repeat = isRepeatableCommand(secondaryCommand); table->longPress.keyAction = "long"; table->longPress.keyContext = context; table->longPress.keyValue = keyValue; setLongPressAlarm(table, prefs.longPressTime); } } processCommand(table, command); } } else { resetLongPressData(table); if (ON_FIRST_RELEASE || (table->pressedKeys.count == 0)) { int *cmd = &table->release.command; if (*cmd != BRL_CMD_NOOP) { processCommand(table, (command = *cmd)); *cmd = BRL_CMD_NOOP; } } } setAutoreleaseAlarm(table); } logKeyEvent(table, (press? "press": "release"), context, &keyValue, command); return state; } void releaseAllKeys (KeyTable *table) { while (table->pressedKeys.count) { const KeyValue *kv = &table->pressedKeys.table[0]; processKeyEvent(table, KTB_CTX_DEFAULT, kv->group, kv->number, 0); } } void setKeyTableLogLabel (KeyTable *table, const char *label) { table->options.logLabel = label; } void setLogKeyEventsFlag (KeyTable *table, const unsigned char *flag) { table->options.logKeyEventsFlag = flag; } void setKeyboardEnabledFlag (KeyTable *table, const unsigned char *flag) { table->options.keyboardEnabledFlag = flag; } void getKeyGroupCommands (KeyTable *table, KeyGroup group, int *commands, unsigned int size) { const KeyContext *ctx = getKeyContext(table, KTB_CTX_DEFAULT); if (ctx) { unsigned int i; for (i=0; ikeyBindings.count; i+=1) { const KeyBinding *binding = &ctx->keyBindings.table[i]; const KeyCombination *combination = &binding->keyCombination; const KeyValue *key; if (combination->flags & KCF_IMMEDIATE_KEY) { if (combination->modifierCount != 0) continue; key = &combination->immediateKey; } else { if (combination->modifierCount != 1) continue; key = &combination->modifierKeys[0]; } if (key->group == group) { if (key->number != KTB_KEY_ANY) { if (key->number < size) { int command = binding->primaryCommand.value; if (command != BRL_CMD_NOOP) { commands[key->number] = command; } } } } } } }