/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.com/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include #include "log.h" #include "strfmt.h" #include "scr.h" #include "scr_menu.h" #include "brl_cmds.h" #include "cmd_queue.h" #include "alert.h" #include "charset.h" #include "core.h" typedef struct { MenuItem *item; size_t length; size_t settingIndent; wchar_t text[0]; } RenderedMenuItem; static Menu *rootMenu = NULL; static int screenUpdated; static RenderedMenuItem **screenLines; static unsigned int lineCount; static unsigned int screenHeight; static Menu *screenMenu; static unsigned int screenColumn; static unsigned int screenRow; static unsigned int screenWidth; static inline const MenuItem * getCurrentItem (void) { Menu *menu = screenMenu; return getMenuItem(menu, getMenuIndex(menu)); } static inline void setFocusedItem (void) { changeMenuItem(screenLines[ses->winy]->item); } static RenderedMenuItem * newRenderedMenuItem (Menu *menu) { MenuItem *item = getCurrentMenuItem(menu); char labelString[0X100]; size_t labelLength; { const char *title = getMenuItemTitle(item); const char *subtitle = getMenuItemSubtitle(item); STR_BEGIN(labelString, ARRAY_COUNT(labelString)); STR_PRINTF("%s", title); if (*subtitle) { if (*title) STR_PRINTF(" "); STR_PRINTF("%s", subtitle); } if (labelString[0]) { if (!isMenuItemAction(item)) STR_PRINTF(":"); STR_PRINTF(" "); } labelLength = STR_LENGTH; STR_END; } char settingString[0X100]; size_t settingLength; { const char *text = getMenuItemText(item); const char *comment = getMenuItemComment(item); if (!text) { text = ""; } else if (!*text) { text = gettext(""); } STR_BEGIN(settingString, ARRAY_COUNT(settingString)); STR_PRINTF("%s", text); if (*comment) STR_PRINTF(" (%s)", comment); settingLength = STR_LENGTH; STR_END; } { size_t maximumLength = labelLength + settingLength; wchar_t characters[maximumLength]; size_t settingIndent; size_t actualLength; { size_t currentLength = 0; currentLength += convertTextToWchars(&characters[currentLength], labelString, maximumLength-currentLength); settingIndent = currentLength; currentLength += convertTextToWchars(&characters[currentLength], settingString, maximumLength-currentLength); actualLength = currentLength; } { RenderedMenuItem *rmi; size_t size = sizeof(*rmi) + (actualLength * sizeof(rmi->text[0])); if ((rmi = malloc(size))) { memset(rmi, 0, sizeof(*rmi)); wmemcpy(rmi->text, characters, actualLength); rmi->item = item; rmi->length = actualLength; rmi->settingIndent = settingIndent; return rmi; } else { logMallocError(); } } } return NULL; } static void destroyRenderedMenuItem (RenderedMenuItem *rmi) { free(rmi); } static void removeLines (void) { while (screenHeight > 0) { destroyRenderedMenuItem(screenLines[--screenHeight]); } } static int setScreenRow (void) { const MenuItem *item = getCurrentItem(); for (unsigned int row=0; rowitem == item) { screenRow = row; return 1; } } return 0; } static int reloadScreen (int constructing) { Menu *menu = getCurrentSubmenu(rootMenu); unsigned int index = getMenuIndex(menu); screenMenu = menu; screenWidth = 0; removeLines(); if (changeMenuItemFirst(menu)) { { unsigned int count = getMenuSize(menu); if (count > lineCount) { RenderedMenuItem **lines = realloc(screenLines, ARRAY_SIZE(screenLines, count)); if (!lines) { logMallocError(); return 0; } screenLines = lines; lineCount = count; } } do { RenderedMenuItem *rmi = newRenderedMenuItem(menu); if (!rmi) return 0; screenLines[screenHeight++] = rmi; if (screenWidth < rmi->length) screenWidth = rmi->length; } while (changeMenuItemNext(menu, 0)); if (changeMenuItemIndex(menu, index)) { if (constructing) { screenRow = 0; screenColumn = 0; } else { if (!setScreenRow()) return 0; screenColumn = screenLines[screenRow]->settingIndent; } return 1; } } return 0; } static int refresh_MenuScreen (void) { if (screenUpdated) { if (!reloadScreen(0)) return 0; screenUpdated = 0; } return 1; } static int construct_MenuScreen (Menu *menu) { rootMenu = menu; screenUpdated = 0; screenLines = NULL; lineCount = 0; screenHeight = 0; return reloadScreen(1); } static void destruct_MenuScreen (void) { if (screenLines) { removeLines(); free(screenLines); screenLines = NULL; } rootMenu = NULL; } static int currentVirtualTerminal_MenuScreen (void) { return userVirtualTerminal(2 + getMenuNumber(screenMenu)); } static const char * getTitle_MenuScreen (void) { return gettext("Preferences Menu"); } static void describe_MenuScreen (ScreenDescription *description) { description->cols = MAX(screenWidth, 1); description->rows = MAX(screenHeight, 1); description->posx = screenColumn; description->posy = screenRow; description->number = currentVirtualTerminal_MenuScreen(); } static int readCharacters_MenuScreen (const ScreenBox *box, ScreenCharacter *buffer) { if (validateScreenBox(box, screenWidth, screenHeight)) { ScreenCharacter *character = buffer; for (unsigned int row=0; rowheight; row+=1) { const RenderedMenuItem *rmi = screenLines[row + box->top]; for (unsigned int column=0; columnwidth; column+=1) { unsigned int index = column + box->left; character->text = (index < rmi->length)? rmi->text[index]: WC_C(' '); character->attributes = SCR_COLOUR_DEFAULT; character += 1; } } return 1; } return 0; } static void commandRejected (void) { alert(ALERT_COMMAND_REJECTED); } static void itemChanged (void) { setScreenRow(); screenColumn = 0; } static void settingChanged (void) { screenUpdated = 1; } static int handleCommand_MenuScreen (int command) { switch (command) { case BRL_CMD_KEY(BACKSPACE): case BRL_CMD_MENU_PREV_LEVEL: { Menu *menu = screenMenu; if (menu != rootMenu) { if (!changeMenuItemIndex(screenMenu, 0)) { commandRejected(); } else if (!changeMenuSettingNext(menu, 0)) { commandRejected(); } else { setFocusedItem(); settingChanged(); } return 1; } } case BRL_CMD_KEY(ESCAPE): case BRL_CMD_KEY(ENTER): { int handled = handleCommand(BRL_CMD_PREFMENU); if (handled) setFocusedItem(); return handled; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(HOME): { int handled = handleCommand(BRL_CMD_PREFLOAD); if (handled) settingChanged(); return handled; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(END): { int handled = handleCommand(BRL_CMD_PREFSAVE); if (handled) setFocusedItem(); return handled; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(PAGE_UP): case BRL_CMD_MENU_FIRST_ITEM: { if (changeMenuItemFirst(screenMenu)) { itemChanged(); } else { commandRejected(); } return 1; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(PAGE_DOWN): case BRL_CMD_MENU_LAST_ITEM: { if (changeMenuItemLast(screenMenu)) { itemChanged(); } else { commandRejected(); } return 1; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_UP): case BRL_CMD_MENU_PREV_ITEM: { if (changeMenuItemPrevious(screenMenu, 1)) { itemChanged(); } else { commandRejected(); } return 1; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_DOWN): case BRL_CMD_MENU_NEXT_ITEM: { if (changeMenuItemNext(screenMenu, 1)) { itemChanged(); } else { commandRejected(); } return 1; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_LEFT): case BRL_CMD_BACK: case BRL_CMD_MENU_PREV_SETTING: { setFocusedItem(); if (changeMenuSettingPrevious(screenMenu, 1)) { settingChanged(); } else { commandRejected(); } return 1; } case BRL_CMD_KEY(CURSOR_RIGHT): case BRL_CMD_HOME: case BRL_CMD_RETURN: case BRL_CMD_MENU_NEXT_SETTING: { setFocusedItem(); if (changeMenuSettingNext(screenMenu, 1)) { settingChanged(); } else { commandRejected(); } return 1; } case BRL_CMD_CSRJMP_VERT: { setFocusedItem(); return 1; } default: { if ((command & BRL_MSK_BLK) == BRL_CMD_BLK(ROUTE)) { unsigned int key = command & BRL_MSK_ARG; unsigned int count = brl.textColumns; if (key < count) { setFocusedItem(); if (changeMenuSettingScaled(screenMenu, key, count)) { settingChanged(); } else { commandRejected(); } } else if ((key >= statusStart) && (key < (statusStart + statusCount))) { switch (key - statusStart) { default: commandRejected(); break; } } else { commandRejected(); } return 1; } break; } } return 0; } static KeyTableCommandContext getCommandContext_MenuScreen (void) { return KTB_CTX_MENU; } void initializeMenuScreen (MenuScreen *menu) { initializeBaseScreen(&menu->base); menu->base.currentVirtualTerminal = currentVirtualTerminal_MenuScreen; menu->base.getTitle = getTitle_MenuScreen; menu->base.refresh = refresh_MenuScreen; menu->base.describe = describe_MenuScreen; menu->base.readCharacters = readCharacters_MenuScreen; menu->base.handleCommand = handleCommand_MenuScreen; menu->base.getCommandContext = getCommandContext_MenuScreen; menu->construct = construct_MenuScreen; menu->destruct = destruct_MenuScreen; }