/* * BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in * text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. * * Copyright (C) 1995-2018 by The BRLTTY Developers. * * BRLTTY comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. * * This is free software, placed under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any * later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details. * * Web Page: http://brltty.com/ * * This software is maintained by Dave Mielke . */ #include "prologue.h" #include #include #include "log.h" #include "strfmt.h" #include "thread.h" #include "async_signal.h" #include "async_event.h" #include "async_wait.h" #undef HAVE_THREAD_NAMES #ifdef GOT_PTHREADS typedef struct { ThreadFunction *function; void *argument; char name[0]; } RunThreadArgument; static void * runThread (void *argument) { RunThreadArgument *run = argument; void *result; setThreadName(run->name); logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(ASYNC_EVENTS), "thread starting: %s", run->name); result = run->function(run->argument); logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(ASYNC_EVENTS), "thread finished: %s", run->name); free(run); return result; } typedef struct { const char *const name; pthread_t *const thread; const pthread_attr_t *const attributes; ThreadFunction *const function; void *const argument; int error; } CreateThreadParameters; static int createActualThread (void *parameters) { CreateThreadParameters *create = parameters; RunThreadArgument *run; if ((run = malloc(sizeof(*run) + strlen(create->name) + 1))) { memset(run, 0, sizeof(*run)); run->function = create->function; run->argument = create->argument; strcpy(run->name, create->name); logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(ASYNC_EVENTS), "creating thread: %s", create->name); create->error = pthread_create(create->thread, create->attributes, runThread, run); if (!create->error) return 1; logMessage(LOG_CATEGORY(ASYNC_EVENTS), "thread not created: %s: %s", create->name, strerror(create->error)); free(run); } else { create->error = errno; logMallocError(); } return 0; } #ifdef ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS ASYNC_WITH_SIGNALS_BLOCKED_FUNCTION(createSignalSafeThread) { static const int signals[] = { #ifdef SIGINT SIGINT, #endif /* SIGINT */ #ifdef SIGTERM SIGTERM, #endif /* SIGTERM */ #ifdef SIGCHLD SIGCHLD, #endif /* SIGCHLD */ 0 }; CreateThreadParameters *create = data; const int *signal = signals; while (*signal) { asyncSetSignalBlocked(*signal, 1); signal += 1; } createActualThread(create); } #endif /* ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS */ int createThread ( const char *name, pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attributes, ThreadFunction *function, void *argument ) { CreateThreadParameters create = { .name = name, .thread = thread, .attributes = attributes, .function = function, .argument = argument }; #ifdef ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS asyncWithObtainableSignalsBlocked(createSignalSafeThread, &create); #else /* ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS */ createActualThread(&create); #endif /* ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS */ return create.error; } typedef struct { ThreadFunction *const function; void *const argument; AsyncEvent *event; unsigned returned:1; } CallThreadFunctionData; THREAD_FUNCTION(runThreadFunction) { CallThreadFunctionData *ctf = argument; void *result = ctf->function? ctf->function(ctf->argument): NULL; asyncSignalEvent(ctf->event, NULL); return result; } ASYNC_EVENT_CALLBACK(handleThreadFunctionReturned) { CallThreadFunctionData *ctf = parameters->eventData; ctf->returned = 1; } ASYNC_CONDITION_TESTER(testThreadFunctionReturned) { CallThreadFunctionData *ctf = data; return ctf->returned; } int callThreadFunction ( const char *name, ThreadFunction *function, void *argument, void **result ) { int called = 0; CallThreadFunctionData ctf = { .function = function, .argument = argument, .returned = 0 }; if ((ctf.event = asyncNewEvent(handleThreadFunctionReturned, &ctf))) { pthread_t thread; int error = createThread(name, &thread, NULL, runThreadFunction, &ctf); if (!error) { asyncWaitFor(testThreadFunctionReturned, &ctf); { void *r; if (!result) result = &r; pthread_join(thread, result); } called = 1; } else { errno = error; } asyncDiscardEvent(ctf.event); } return called; } int lockMutex (pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { int result = pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); logSymbol(LOG_CATEGORY(ASYNC_EVENTS), mutex, "mutex lock"); return result; } int unlockMutex (pthread_mutex_t *mutex) { logSymbol(LOG_CATEGORY(ASYNC_EVENTS), mutex, "mutex unlock"); return pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); } #if defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_GETNAME_NP) && defined(__GLIBC__) #define HAVE_THREAD_NAMES size_t formatThreadName (char *buffer, size_t size) { int error = pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), buffer, size); return error? 0: strlen(buffer); } void setThreadName (const char *name) { pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), name); } #elif defined(HAVE_PTHREAD_GETNAME_NP) && defined(__APPLE__) #define HAVE_THREAD_NAMES size_t formatThreadName (char *buffer, size_t size) { { int error = pthread_getname_np(pthread_self(), buffer, size); if (error) return 0; if (*buffer) return strlen(buffer); } if (pthread_main_np()) { size_t length; STR_BEGIN(buffer, size); STR_PRINTF("main"); length = STR_LENGTH; STR_END; return length; } return 0; } void setThreadName (const char *name) { pthread_setname_np(name); } #endif /* thread names */ #endif /* GOT_PTHREADS */ #ifndef HAVE_THREAD_NAMES size_t formatThreadName (char *buffer, size_t size) { return 0; } void setThreadName (const char *name) { } #endif /* HAVE_THREAD_NAMES */ #if defined(PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER) static void createThreadSpecificDataKey (ThreadSpecificDataControl *ctl) { int error; pthread_mutex_lock(&ctl->mutex); if (!ctl->key.created) { error = pthread_key_create(&ctl->key.value, ctl->destroy); if (!error) { ctl->key.created = 1; } else { logActionError(error, "pthread_key_create"); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctl->mutex); } #ifdef ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS ASYNC_WITH_SIGNALS_BLOCKED_FUNCTION(createThreadSpecificDataKeyWithSignalsBlocked) { ThreadSpecificDataControl *ctl = data; createThreadSpecificDataKey(ctl); } #endif /* ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS */ void * getThreadSpecificData (ThreadSpecificDataControl *ctl) { int error; #ifdef ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS asyncWithAllSignalsBlocked(createThreadSpecificDataKeyWithSignalsBlocked, ctl); #else /* ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS */ createThreadSpecificDataKey(ctl); #endif /* ASYNC_CAN_BLOCK_SIGNALS */ if (ctl->key.created) { void *tsd = pthread_getspecific(ctl->key.value); if (tsd) return tsd; if ((tsd = ctl->new())) { if (!(error = pthread_setspecific(ctl->key.value, tsd))) { return tsd; } else { logActionError(error, "pthread_setspecific"); } ctl->destroy(tsd); } } return NULL; } #else /* thread specific data */ #include "program.h" static void exitThreadSpecificData (void *data) { ThreadSpecificDataControl *ctl = data; if (ctl->data) { ctl->destroy(ctl->data); ctl->data = NULL; } } void * getThreadSpecificData (ThreadSpecificDataControl *ctl) { if (!ctl->data) { if ((ctl->data = ctl->new())) { onProgramExit("thread-specific-data", exitThreadSpecificData, ctl); } } return ctl->data; } #endif /* thread specific data */