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  1. Feb 17, 2015
  2. Mar 27, 2014
  3. Feb 20, 2014
    • Marco Trevisan's avatar
      Window: define proper cases when we need to resize a window when decorating/undecorating · 6836f32a
      Marco Trevisan authored
      Yeah, again here... So, now when setting the window extents, we resize a window only in these cases:
      1) We have a normal window that has never been decorated (lp:1282304)
      2) We're (re)decorating a maximized or fullscreen window (lp:1282305)
      This seems to work well in all the cases I tested, with no regressions with nedit
      (that highlighted an issue with old code path)
  4. Jan 13, 2014
  5. Jul 15, 2013
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Adjust acceptance tests for the fix to LP: #1198000 · 7251fd15
      Sam Spilsbury authored
      1. Always set frame extents before updating the frame
      2. Added COMPIZ_NO_CONFIGURE_BUFFER_LOCKS so that we don't have to deal
         with the delayed configure requests logic in the tests where it
         does not help
      3. Split restoredDecorationSize in to restoredDecorationBorderSize
         and restoredDecorationInputSize so that we can measure the size of
         the decoration both in terms of its visible and invisible border
      4. Wait for the default decoration properly
      5. Capture the initial geometry of the window with and without decorations
         when the window gets its first decoration. Use these values to calculate
         the size changes in the window from then on instead of its creation
      6. Just flag when the window was first decorated in setWindowFrameExtents
         rather than checking if it is mapped. We only want to not resize
         the window once.
  6. Jun 26, 2013
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Don't add the frame to the toplevel stack if it hasn't been created yet. · 37a0cdb2
      Sam Spilsbury authored
      In the event that a window is unreparented or destroyed, we usually need
      to add its frame window to the toplevel window stack until the time at
      which we recieve a DestroyNotify for it, as there may be incoming
      ConfigureNotify events puporting to stack other windows relative to
      that frame.
      However, this does not apply in the case where we have not yet received
      a CreateNotify for the frame window. In that case, it is not possible
      for any stacking requests to be made relative to this window, so it
      does not need to be added immediately. Instead, we can add it at the
      time that we recieve a CreateNotify for it as a regular override
      redirect window until the time that it is later destroyed.
      (LP: #1171314)
  7. Mar 06, 2013
  8. Dec 13, 2012
  9. Dec 10, 2012
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Ensure that we never get a BadWindow due to the sibling in a ConfigureWindow. · a14bc36b
      Sam Spilsbury authored
      Issuing a ConfigureWindow request with a sibling parameter that refers
      to a sibling that's actually destroyed server side results in a BadWindow
      error, and causes what we might think is a correct ConfigureWindow request
      to fail. This would cause even more problems because we had marked
      the request as succeeding, and adjusted serverWindows appropriately,
      which would cause further restacks to rely on the invalid internal state.
      Unfortunately, this is effectively a race condition between the client and
      the server. We receive our events and are racing the server to not
      destroy the window internally before we get a chance to issue a
      ConfigureWindow request relative to the destroyed window.
      Because of that, we need to hold a server grab during the period in which
      we check if the sibling window is still valid server side and when
      we issue a ConfigureWindow request. If it is valid, then we can guaruntee
      that the server will process the request relative to the sibling window,
      and if not, we can select another sibling as appropriate.
      Adjusted the API such that any function which looks for an appropriate sibling
      or any function which calls XConfigureWindow with the sibling parameter
      set requires a server grab to be active (by virtue of the fact that they
      accept a const ServerLock &).
      The only implicit contract between clients now is that the client must
      obtain the sibling window either by using one of the designated functions
      to do so which requires a ServerLock, or that the client holds a server lock
      and while it holds the ServerLock, it calls XGetWindowAttributes or
      XGetGeometry to check if the sibling window is valid.
      configureXWindow was split into configureXWindow and
      restackAndConfigureXWindow. The latter requires a server lock, the former
      will warn about this potential race condition if you attempt to
      restack a window using it.
      Passing tests:
      [ RUN      ] CompizXorgSystemStackingTest.TestCreateRelativeToDestroyedWindowFindsAnotherAppropriatePosition
      [       OK ] CompizXorgSystemStackingTest.TestCreateRelativeToDestroyedWindowFindsAnotherAppropriatePosition (55 ms)
      (LP: #1088399)
  10. Dec 07, 2012
  11. Nov 28, 2012
  12. Sep 10, 2012
  13. Jun 03, 2012
    • smspillaz's avatar
      Don't insert the window into the server list above the window it was · 84955900
      smspillaz authored
      created above.
      The server list might have been modified by the time that we process the
      create event, and as such there is a case where a window can be inserted
      into the server list above another window and not at the top (the default
      for where windows are created) if that window is pending a restack.
      When updateAttributes is called later, putting it above the correct window
      will silently fail, because it is already there in the server list, even
      though a restack was never issued to put it there.
      (LP: #1008020) (LP: #886605)
  14. May 27, 2012
  15. May 10, 2012
  16. Mar 02, 2012
  17. Feb 28, 2012
  18. Feb 14, 2012
  19. Jan 31, 2012
    • smspillaz's avatar
      Dump a bunch of debugging code · 0d6fc60a
      smspillaz authored
    • smspillaz's avatar
      Always use the asynchronous codepaths in core. This commit changes the following: · 85c8a321
      smspillaz authored
       * CompWindow::move is now just a wrapper around CompWindow::configureXWindow
       * CompWindow::configureXWindow will always call through to moveNotify
       * moveNotify is only ever called pre-request to the server in the case of
         managed windows (SubstructureRedirectMask guaruntees they will end up in
         the right place) and post ConfigureNotify for override redirect windows
       * resizeNotify is always called post ConfigureNotify regardless of whether
         or not the window is managed or not
       * composite and opengl now use the geometry last sent to the server in order
         to compute display matrices and window positions as well as damage regions
       * decor now also does the above
       * const correctness in include/core/window.h
       * CompWindow::syncPosition is now deprecated and a no-op
    • Alan Griffiths's avatar
  20. Oct 10, 2011
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Rework the event tracking system slightly to cover more cases where events would · 52bebd9b
      Sam Spilsbury authored
      not be recorded properly:
      1. When determining restack requests relative to another window which is pending
         a restack, check to see if we already requested to restack relative to it
         after it was pending the restack, rather than unconditionally submitting
         the restack and risking that being a no-op
      2. When a window gets closed, its frame window is marked "None" immediately
         so we must discard tracking of any remaining pending configure events
         as they wont come to the frame window as we know it
      3. Remove the static timeout and replace it with a timer object that clears up
         any stale configure requests which didn't get matched to events (note that
         this will be removed, but exists only to safeguard against performance regressions
         with the current API)
      Fixes LP#864330
  21. Oct 04, 2011
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Clean up and make the event tracking system into a proper object model and · ecef96cf
      Sam Spilsbury authored
      track events based on request serial numbers.
      The request serial numbers at the moment are the only reliable way of matching
      events with requests that we made, so use them for matching. This means that
      the number of non-matches is going to go way down. At the moment, we still
      look at whether or not we got an expected geometry and stack position back
      from the server in the window's pending request queue and if we didn't then
      some plugin is messing things up and we warn about that.
      Fix LP #866752
  22. Sep 27, 2011
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Since we are the only one to make ConfigureWindow requests on toplevels which the · b7511f0e
      Sam Spilsbury authored
        server will actually obey, it is possible track outgoing ConfigureWindow requests
        and match them to incoming ConfigureNotify events, assuming that priv->geometry
        and priv->serverGeometry ONLY represent what was last sent to the server and what
        was last received. Which allows us to effectively fix the race conditions
        which made positioning and stacking unpredictable at times.
        As such, any plugins past this commit, need to be careful not to modify w->geometry
        or w->serverGeometry directly. Unfortunately, the move plugin is a serial offender in
        this area and will update w->serverGeometry directly after doing w->move, which causes
        race conditions when other plugins try to configure a window through the server first.
        This change ensures that when there are pending ConfigureNotify events, no synchronous
        updates of the window geometry are allowed. For plugins that do touch w->serverGeometry
        for whatever reason, a lock_geometry call is sent through handleCompizEvent whenever
        there are pending ConfigureNotify events for plugins not to do that. This will remain
        in place until we can break ABI/API and prevent plugins from doing that.
  23. Sep 25, 2011
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Revert unreviewed changes · d8df0e8b
      Sam Spilsbury authored
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Track ConfigureWindow requests and match them to ConfigureNotify events. · 7770ed4b
      Sam Spilsbury authored
      By doing this we are able to see what the pending requests are on a window
      at any given time, and can transform new requests to suit these pending
      ones. Currently, this only works for windows that we reparent and are
      not override redirect since those are the only windows where we can guaruntee
      that all ConfigureNotify events will be generated by us.
      This isn't exposed to plugins at the moment, but it may be useful later on.
      Incidentally, this allows us to fix a stacking corner case which was the
      following situation:
      Windows A, B and C map (placed on top), and must stack relative to each other
      Window A gets stacked beneath D (which is a panel),
      Window B should be stacked above A,
      Window C should be stacked above B,
      What happened was that updateAttributes would be called and
      request to put window B above A, which it was already above in
      CompScreen::windows, so that stacking request becomes a no-op. In this case
      we check if the window is pending a restack and then request to put it
      above the same window it was already a sibling to if findSiblingBelow found
      that to be the case.
      This fixes problems with, eg GIMP and Libreoffice, which make heavy use
      of transient windows when mapping their windows and may also restack
      their own windows when there is no window manager running
  24. Sep 19, 2011
    • Sam Spilsbury's avatar
      Merge in fix for frame regions being updated incorrectly (LP #853734) · e5f68783
      Sam Spilsbury authored
         * Only update frame regions when we get an event that something changed
           server side (eg don't immediately update the region once we issue
           a ConfigureWindow request)
         * Keep track of the changes in the input extents
         * Ensure that a synthetic ConfigureNotify is sent in cases where the resized
           frame window will exactly match its last size such that the client is
           positioned correctly inside the frame
  25. Sep 14, 2011
  26. Sep 09, 2011