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  1. Jun 17, 2012
  2. Jun 14, 2012
  3. Jun 11, 2012
    • Daniel van Vugt's avatar
      Remove dead code: availablePlugins() and *ListPlugins() · dd5f9d88
      Daniel van Vugt authored
      availablePlugins is unused except by dbus, and flawed by designed. It makes
      no sense to have a function that claims to return the list of available
      plugins, when that list is not complete. You could easily load other plugins
      from LD_LIBRARY_PATH that availablePlugins doesn't know about. And you could
      add or remove plugin binaries at runtime which would also invalidate what
      availablePlugins knows. ListPlugins was only used by availablePlugins.
      If you want a list of known plugins, call CompPlugin::getPlugins() instead.
  4. Jun 10, 2012
  5. Jun 08, 2012
    • Daniel van Vugt's avatar
      Benchmark plugin should consume its key binding, and not pass the key to · 12eca64f
      Daniel van Vugt authored
      the underlying window. (LP: #1009320)
    • Daniel van Vugt's avatar
      Remove dead code: availablePlugins · 38971ee4
      Daniel van Vugt authored
      availablePlugins is unused except by dbus, and flawed by designed. It makes
      no sense to have a function that claims to return the list of available
      plugins, when that list is not complete. You could easily load other plugins
      from LD_LIBRARY_PATH that availablePlugins doesn't know about. And you could
      add or remove plugin binaries at runtime which would also invalidate what
      availablePlugins knows.
      If you want a list of known plugins, call CompPlugin::getPlugins() instead.
  6. Jun 06, 2012
  7. Jun 05, 2012
  8. Jun 02, 2012
  9. Jun 01, 2012
  10. May 31, 2012
  11. May 30, 2012